John and Lynn travel down the deep roots of LANDSCAPE to find perspective: Why are some scapes so evocative? Is it stronger in the memory or in the ‘real’? How does it ground key moments of our lives and shape our dreams, and sometimes, nightmares?
Teaser: from a journal entry by Henry David Thoreau, American author, 1859.
Song 1: “Blue Train” by John V. Modaff, from the cd POD ONE
Poem 1: “Letter from a Place I’ve Never Been,” title poem of Hilda Raz’s New and Collected Poems, University of Nebraska Press, 2021.
Fiction: Excerpt from the novel, The Day After Death, by Lynn C. Miller, 2016 and
Feed the Cat break: "Snow Day," composed and performed by David R. Merrill
Poem 2: “Night Braille,” by Sarah Kotchian. ABQ inPrint #5, 2021:
Song 2: “White Pines” by David R. Merrill with The Delvers, from the cd Highway Song.
Theme and Incidental music by John V. Modaff
Episode artwork by Lynda Miller
N e x t u p o n e p i s o d e 11 : “T h e P a s t”