The Unruly Duo takes a trip onto the twisty road of WORK: How can we think of work without considering play? Sometimes work is sustenance and at others a joy. In the end do we dream about a ‘labor of love’––work as passion and reward? And let’s not forget the question of how work gives us our identity…or takes it away.
Teaser: Sinclair Lewis, American writer, 1915, “The Trail of the Hawk: A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life”
Song 1: Good Time written and performed by John V. Modaff
Poem 1: “Reasons the Suggestion Box Has Been Removed” by Carrie Shipers. Carrie teaches higher ed. In Providence, RI. This poem first appeared in bosque journal #6, 2016:
Short story: adaptation of “Regret” by Lynn C. Miller from a collection in process “Inside the Archive.”
Poem 2: “Broadcast” by Kelly Yenser from The News as Usual, UNM Press. A new collection is forthcoming, WALKING UPHILL AT NOON.
Song 2: Technology Run written and performed by David R. Merrill
Theme and incidental music by John V. Modaff
Episode artwork by Lynda Miller
Next up on episode 10: “Landscapes Real and Imagined”