Youth and age flow together but there is a tension: all who are older have been young, yet the young do not know what’s it like to be old. John and Lynn tiptoe into the sensations, the experience, and the bittersweet experience of both conditions. Are the young oblivious to the demands of time or just in a present that seems unending? How do those who feel their aging look back on their younger selves and accept where they are now?
Teaser: Quotes from Oscar Wilde, Arthur C. Clarke, and Ernest Hemingway
Song 1: Generic Protest Song (by jvm, performed by John Modaff & Dan Modaff)
Poem 1: “Eleanor Can’t Sleep” by Susan Aizenberg, published in ABQ inPrint #6, Fall, 2022. Susan lives in Iowa City, IA. She has a new collection, A Walk With Frank O’Hara and Other Poems, in press from the University of New Mexico Press.
Short Story: “Standing in the Light” by Lynn C. Miller. Her new collection of stories, The Lost Archive, will be published in March, 2023 by the University of Wisconsin Press.
Feed the Cat Break: “Asteroid Belt” by Dave Merrill
Poem 2: “Swimming Lesson” by Mikki Aronoff, published in Value: Essays, Stories & Poems by Women of a Certain Age, March, 2017.
Song 2: “Gardener” by Dave Merrill
Episode artwork by Lynda Miller
Show theme and Incidental music by John V. Modaff, BMI
Recorded in Albuquerque, NM and Morehead, KY. Produced at The Creek Studio, Morehead.
NEXT UP: “Food for Thought”